Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Future According to IBM

I've often thought of what the future will be like in terms of everyday life. People always say things like "20 years ago, we wouldn't even be able to imagine [insert technology here]."  Could people 20 years ago even fathom what normal people can do today with a $200 phone?

When I actually sit and think about it though, I don't think I would be in that much disbelief.  The only major invention that has happened in last few decades is the internet.  Everything else has mainly been improvements and combinations of what already exists.

I think that we can probably predict what our world will look like in the next couple decades.  Sure some insane new invention could come along and change everything, but aside from that I think we can look at the way technology is moving and make a pretty strong prediction on where it will go.  IBM put this video out explaining where they see the internet (and all technology for that matter) going in future.  I think that this could all easily happen within the next decade or so.

To put this in perspective, here's an advertisement from 1993 that AT&T put out talking about the future.  Aside from some obvious design differences, they were surprisingly accurate.

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